MORE: Experiencing Far More. A Bible Study on the Book of Ephesians

“I want more for you.”  Either from a parent, a teacher, a coach and/or a mentor, it is likely we were on the receiving end of this phrase in our early years.  Whether or not we realize it, this saying usually communicated a genuine interest in us and more importantly, a recognition of our potential. From the Bible we learn of the One True God, whose interest in His people is unmatched by even the most loving parent , teacher, coach or mentor.  And, as our all-knowing Creator, He is able to see clearly our potential and what we could, or should, be experiencing as His children.  As we study Ephesians together, we will hear our loving and perfect Father say: “I want more for you.  I have made a way for you to experience what could and even should be: an unimaginable life.” (10 week study)

Studies available for purchase  ($13.99 per study). Printed in paperback workbook, black and white with color cover.

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