Crown Down

I don’t know about you, but my life is my “realm", where I make attentive decisions that serve the needs of my highness, me. As promising and satisfying as it may sound, it really hasn’t delivered. I must admit that I am a dismal monarch, ruling a desperately dysfunctional land. My “Crown” is not working for me. And if I were to ask you the same question about your “kingdom” or “queendom”, I imagine it is not exactly thriving either. Thankfully, there is good news, the Good News: The Kingdom of God is at hand. It is here, it is now, and it will gloriously overthrow the kingdoms of “you” and “me”.

In  addition to becoming what we ought to be, we will become who we ultimately long to be. By taking His life into ours, we are given the opportunity to live within the surrounding movements of God’s eternal purposes.

Count me in!  How about you?

(9 week study)


Studies available for purchase  ($12.99 per study). Printed in paperback workbook, black and white with color cover.

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